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分享 about 20 cm wide and 3.5 cm
lpsbxr27767 2014-11-27 15:40
 ,afternoon, the Nanjing Metro Police in accordance with relevant laws carry a dagger into the subway station for passengers to be a heavy penalty on the 5th of administrative detention. Police said carry knives into the public transport is prohibited,/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=64&page=2", once discovered, will be punished. At 8:30 on August 11 or so,Metro Branch Mochouhu Station by the police on duty at the subway station hall Jiqingmen found a more than 20-year-old young man with a camouflage bag he tried to enter the portable metal gates machine subway. This time, the police on duty noticed the man acting suspiciously, then the man stopped for security checks,, the man did not refuse. After police used a portable scanner to scan luggage, found the problem,the scanner emits a "bit" of the alarm sound. Police immediately asked the first man away from the security checkpoints, police and then carefully open the bag. After opening the package, police found a section of black dagger handles in a pile of clothes. The man was standing near his face immediately changed, police found his head immediately lower down,, one hand constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead. Police took the dagger's handle, the whole dagger drawn from the laundry out, took a look and found this dagger is a single-edged dagger, about 20 cm wide and 3.5 cm,woolrich parka verde, and has been open edges. The man admitted that he was carrying a dagger, and said that this dagger on his stall to buy the field, used to self-defense, and did not want to harm. But he not only knew the train by plane carrying knives, do not know the subway is also not allowed. This time was the police discovered that he will only recognize a penalty! Police said the party due to carry knives into the subway, according to the "law and order Punishment Law" Article 32 "illegally carrying knives and other utensils into the state regulation of public transport" their administrative detention on the 5th of punishment. After the incident, there are many members of the public to the police, if you carry knives and other cutting tools, whether or not ride the subway? Metro Police also reminded subway riders: As many subway personnel, under any circumstances, do not carry knives by public transport,should an accident occur, easy to own and cause unnecessary harm to others. Knives do not belong to the list of controlled knives,, but be sure the tool carrier-kept, if the tool is exposed, there is harm social order, the police have the right to be treated equally. Indeed necessary for carrying knives, please passenger were transported by private vehicle. Correspondent Di Gongxuan The reporter Pei Rui
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